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Stand: C901
  • | Manufacturer
  • | Nutraceuticals

VetPlus is recognised as a Global Leader in Veterinary Nutraceuticals - committed to producing a complete range of premium products for the veterinary profession. It is our vision and mission to be the best in our field, not necessarily the biggest. Founded in 1995 by David Haythornthwaite, VetPlus is still today a family company and very much proud of it. 

From the very beginning our focus has been on developing the best possible products for the pet. While many global companies are driven by the need to satisfy their shareholders and army of accountants, we are a family-owned business and as such are not subjected to such pressures. This allows us to concentrate ALL our efforts on making a product that is ultimately beneficial to the pet and we believe passionately that the only person qualified to identify the need for these products is a veterinary surgeon.

Our Products & Services

VetPlus is based in Lytham, Lancashire, where it manufactures all its products in its own state of the art GMP approved manufacturing facility. GMP is the worldwide pharmaceutical standard.

The business was founded on two key principals:

  • Make the best possible products for the pet.


  • Sell them only through veterinary practices.

25 years later those principals remain as strong as ever. After establishing itself within the UK veterinary fraternity, its first international subsidiary was appointed in Spain in 2003 and more quickly followed.  Today, with subsidiaries in Germany, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and the USA, distributors in 37 countries and regional offices in Singapore and Buenos Aires, we are the globally recognised leader in our field.

Contact Us


+44 1253 797400


Animal House
Boundary Road
United Kingdom
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  • VetPlus produce a complete range of super-premium nutraceutical products for the global veterinary profession. Used by pet owners around the world and sold exclusively via veterinarians, we provide a ...

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