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Initiating obesity care: communicating with pet owners

23 Mar 2024
Exhibition Theatre
Exhibitor-Led CPD

Obesity is a highly prevalent disease in the UK which significantly reduces the quality of life of those pets with this disease. Although obesity is widely considered to be a disease communication around the topic remains challenging.

This session will look at how both weight stigma and unconscious bias can directly affect the care pets receive and will explore methods to have meaningful conversations with pet owners without confrontation or the risk of causing offence. The session will also explore how asking for consent to discuss this topic can be beneficial and how readiness assessments can inform the veterinary team on a pet owners’ willingness to make the changes you may suggest.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss the vital role communication plays in providing successful obesity care
  • Recognise challenges associated with effective communication on a pet’s weight status
  • Describe methods for assessing pet owner’s readiness for change
  • How to work with the pet owner using a collaborative communication approach
Georgia Woods-Lee, Clinical Lead - University of Liverpool, Small Animal Teaching Hospital

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